
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Fitness with BalancingFit
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Jamie B & Jamie C join the smart mamas to talk about how their bond as moms and CRNAs developed into a fitness partnership and led them to a following of over 50 thousand on social media. They talk strength training, cardio, nutrition, and offer advice on developing and sticking to new routines. Make sure you do not miss when they share their favorite protein bars (they share their discount codes!) and how old their kids are! You will be blown away!
code at checkout: JBJC
Connect with us!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
The Hard Truths Series Part 1: Starting the Conversation
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Hey smart mama! The year 2020 has given ALL of us the opportunity to see the hate that exists in this world and the racism that is systemic in our institutions.
We are 100% anti-racism and anti-hate in general. We do not support any kind of verbal or physical confrontations on social media or in-person that are aimed at singling out any person or group of people based on their race, gender, religion, or political affiliations. We welcome you here, as you are and we will continue to fight for the freedoms and the equality of ALL smart mamas and their loved ones.
We talked to Lena Gould and Latonya Mims, two CRNA moms who have been tirelessly advocating for diversity within medicine for years. Crystal, Laci, and I learned so much from this discussion and it is the first of many to come - The mamas told us about how they have experienced racism from the time they were young all the way through anesthesia school and into their current careers. Even among Pennsylvania, Delaware, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Maine, and Rhode Island there is only one program director of color- Dawn Bent at the University of Pennsylvania.
We really dive in deep in this episode and talk about how we can challenge the norm and advocate for people of color, this is a mankind issue and we need to do better!
Recommended reading
How to be an Antiracist- Ibram X. Kendi
Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks- Rebecca Skloot
Blind spot: Hidden Biases of Good People- Mahxarin R. Banaji, Anthony G. Greenwald
Becoming- Michelle Obama
White Fragility- Robin DiAngelo
Diversity in Nurse Anesthesia Mentorship Program

Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Laura McLain-Dave Ramsey Success Story
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Laura, from the CRNA Moms Facebook Group, chats with the Smart Mommas about how she followed Dave Ramsey’s debt snowball method and paid off nearly $300,000 of debt in TWO years! Laura also shares her budgeting tips and ways to find free family activities.
Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps (https://www.daveramsey.com/dave-ramsey-7-baby-steps)
1) Save $1,000 for your starter emergency fund
2) Pay off all debt (except your mortgage)
3) Save 3-6 months expenses for your emergency fund
4) Invest 15% of your income in a retirement fund
5) Save for your kid’s college
6) Pay off your house
7) Build wealth and give
EveryDollar Budgeting Tool: Dave Ramsey’s budgeting app
Mint: Budgeting tool and allows easy analysis of spending habits.
Personal Capital: Tracks net worth by linking all your banking and investment accounts.
Fun Cheap or Free: Ellen highly recommends Jordan Page’s website Fun Cheap or Free for stellar budgeting tips and frugal hacks.
Connect with us!
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday May 19, 2020
Gosia Mt. Everest
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
The smart mamas talk to Gosia, a CRNA originally from Poland, who has set a goal to ascend all Seven Summits. These are comprised of the highest mountains on each of the seven continents. Gosia describes everything from her training to just how much it costs to take on one mission like this. When you hear how long it takes to climb each one, you will be shaken. Make sure you listen for what she had to do after losing a game of hearts. Leave no trace. Check out the link to her Mt. Everest climb below,
Connect with us!
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday May 05, 2020
Surviving Quarantine
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
In this episode, Crystal, Ellen, and Laci discuss how this quarantine has affected them and their families in their very different lives. You will find it easy to connect to at least one of these viewpoints, for sure! Topics covered include home-schooling, arts and crafts shame, pandemic projects, and what we all think of Melissa & Doug.
Connect with us!
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Infertility and Triplets with Sara Franco
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
The ladies sit down with smart momma, Sara Franco, and discuss infertility. Sara shares her personal journey and struggles with in-vitro fertilization. She had TRIPLETS on Christmas Eve and describes her road to achieving these miracles as not an easy one. She candidly discusses pregnancy loss and how to move forward after true devastation. The ladies laugh, cry and wrap up this episode with the craziest twist that you will never see coming!
Sara Franco is the CRNA owner and operator of Sterling Anesthesia. If you need CMEs, check her out.
Connect with us!
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Fortune Tellers, Gender Reveals and Creepy Kid Ghost Stories
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
This episode Laci opens up about baby #3 expected to arrive in the Spring of 2020. She shares a chance encounter with a fortune-teller who made big predictions about her children. The mommas also chat about where they stand on the gender reveal debate.
When do the ladies think it is a good time to share news of a pregnancy with coworkers, friends, and family?
Do you have a creepy kid ghost story? Share your stories with us!!!
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Connect with us!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Friday Mar 27, 2020

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Intermittent Fasting with Amanda Nighbert, RD
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Hey, Mama!
So excited to have you back! In this episode, we chat with Amanda Nighbert, RD, who has educated so many people with her LEAN system to help them live sustainably healthy lifestyles.
We talk to Amanda about the two pillars of her program: intermittent fasting, or time-restricted eating, and macros.
Rather than counting calories in vs. calories out, she focuses on what your body needs in terms of protein, carbs, and fats! Not all of us are equal!
She talks to us about the SAD diet and why obesity has been rising over the past several decades since the '70s.
-If you wonder what on earth intermittent fasting and carb cycling are? This will break it all down!
-If you suffer from thyroid and adrenal issues or hormonal fluctuations and wonder if intermittent fasting is for you, this will answer your questions.
-If you worry about not having enough time to meal plan or exercise, you definitely want to hear what she has to say about that.
-If your crazy job and schedule have you concerned that you can't incorporate this into your life, you will love hearing her advice (even with those crazy breaks in the OR).
We also cover topics such as breastfeeding, supplements, fueling hard workouts, clean vs. dirty fasting, sugar replacements, and the differences between men and women. Enjoy and don't forget to rate, review, subscribe and share scrub caps and sippy cups!

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Love and Logic
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Chris Peterson, aka The Parenting Professor (http://theparentingprofessor.com), discusses the highly effective Love and Logic parenting technique and blows away the Smart Mommas with some easy to implement strategies! Don’t miss the discussions on how to stop a temper tantrum in its tracks and ending the “how long can we drag out bedtime” game. You’ll be able to implement these strategies as soon as the episode ends!
Uh-Oh Song for Toddlers: Dr. Charles Fay of the Love and Logic Institute shares the Uh-Oh song in this YouTube video. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drh66-WUJCw)
More info on the Uh-Oh song and where you might be going wrong. (https://www.mynewsletterbuilder.com/email/newsletter/1412024797)