
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Christmas Trees and Toddler Tantrums
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
They’re back! The ladies are opening up this episode with an update on life. Crystal and Ellen discuss owning their esthetics business and the ins and outs of starting up. Shout out to Kelly Hermans of Beautiphi Aesthetics & Wellness. Kelly has been a friend and mentor during this journey! Ellen has some BIG news she is sharing with us this week. Don’t miss it!
Laci got a new puppy, and as exciting as this is, she tells us about how this puppy came to be. Listen to her discussion surrounding their previous dog's death and how hard that was on her kids. She describes how she spoke to her kids about death, dying, and loss. Listen in as the ladies discuss this topic and gain some insight into how you can use this with your family.
It's December and time for Christmas. We want to know, real tree or fake tree? Ellen and Crystal are all about the fake trees, and you don’t want to miss why! Crystal found the perfect ornament to describe 2020…dumpster fire, anyone?
Do you let your toddlers help out at home? Laundry, dishes, or cooking? The ladies discuss a study on cultural influence related to involving children in chores and developing emotional intelligence and a positive outlook on chores. The ladies discuss this in-depth and provide examples of how they involve their children in their daily lives. Leave us a message and let us know if you implemented any of the teachings/ideas from this article. Maybe what you did will inspire another mom!
Links mentioned in this episode:
- Article - How To Get Your Kids To Do Chores (Without Resenting It)
- Kelly Hermans: Beautiphi Aesthetics & Wellness https://www.facebook.com/beautiphiyou
- Dumpster Fire 2020 Ornament
Let's connect!
Follow the girls on Instagram -
@mslacilynch @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
October Recap | Election 2020, CRNA Conference and Halloween
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
This week on the podcast, the ladies sit down and reflect on the election, the CRNA conference in Nashville, and Halloween.
The ladies weigh in on the never-ending election cycle, the country's climate during election time, and how difficult it is to discuss your political views with others. Do you think it is inappropriate to ask someone whom they voted for? Crystal discusses her take on marijuana use in cancer patients. Find out what Ellen, Laci, and Crystal think about this and so much more!
Crystal traveled to Nashville for the CRNA conference. She tells about her stay at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and finding herself "lost and pissed." She got to finally meet Tonia Bales, ex-wife of John Meehan, who is portrayed on the Netflix & Bravo mini-series called "Dirty John." The ladies had a chance to interview Tonia in Ep. 6 of the podcast. Check out the link below if you haven't listened yet!
Did anyone have a "normal" Halloween this year? Was trick or treating canceled? Laci tells about her Halloween experience in Minnesota, and yes, it involves plenty of snow!
We are working on upcoming show ideas, and we want to hear from you! Please reach out to us with your ideas!
Let's connect!
Follow the girls on Instagram -
@mslacilynch @ellenlauletta @cmalber
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas
Interview with Tonia Bales, Ep 6 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/smart-mommas-interview-tonia-bales-dirty-john-netflix/id1482999433?i=1000459901338

Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Marriage Counseling
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Mandy Hicks, a Licensed Professional Counselor, joins the ladies on this episode to discuss common issues couples face and actionable steps you can take today!
Do you think that putting your marriage first above anything else will benefit in the long term? Well, Mandy provides insight into why this will actually help your relationship and your kids.
Infidelity, married to a narcissist, co-parenting? Mandy Discusses her experiences as a therapist dealing with these issues. How would you deal with infidelity? Mandy tells of how a higher power is often utilized to get through this tough time.
How do you put your marriage first in your everyday life? Mandy urges us all to make it a deliberate practice. Plan your week out together and make time for each other. Ellen shares how she and her husband carve out time every day for one another and how to do that with kids to ensure that one on one attention. Crystal discusses the importance of a regular date night with her husband and modeling a good relationship for their daughter.
Mandy teaches us about issues separated parents face with raising their children in two homes. She gives powerful tips to combat some of the most common problems these parents face.
Do you ever wonder if you are married to a narcissist? Maybe you know someone who is? Well, Mandy breaks it down for us and describes what to look for.
Being new parents can be one of the most stressful times for a couple. You wonder how you are going adjust and if you and your partner will be the same people. Mandy urges us to set expectations and be honest and open. Crystal shares what it was like after having a baby and how the roles and expectations shifted, but this could not have happened without clear communication. Ellen talks about how men are wired differently, and they don’t necessarily see what needs to be done around the home. She tells of her experiences with her husband and how she feels the importance of not coming to the conversation hungry, angry, or tired as it will likely turn into an argument. Mandy reminds us that everyone is different, and in the circumstances like these, we need to give our partners some grace. Communication is key!
The ladies talk about common struggles related to in-laws. Mandy wants couples to have clear boundaries and to make sure they are putting their partners first.
Finally, a discussion on COVID and how to deal with the different views regarding a threat and whether or not to stay home or safely integrate back into society. Mandy provides actionable steps you can take in your marriage today to help ease your home's tensions when dealing with anxiety, either in you or your spouse.
Stick around for the end of the episode for some powerful insights and tips from Mandy that you can take home and use today!
Mentioned in this episode: Mandy Hicks Counseling on FB @mandyhickscounseling
Let's connect!
Follow the girls on Instagram -
@mslacilynch @ellenlauletta @cmalber
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
High Low Horizon
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Happy one year anniversary to the podcast! Ellen, Crystal, and Laci cannot believe how fast the last year flew by and are excited to see where this podcast takes them in the future!
The LifeView Family Dashboard is a single window to the most important information to manage your busy family. The dashboard is a customizable digital screen that can show family photos or artwork, the time and weather, your to-do or shopping lists, your calendars and so much more! Each screen is set up based on your preferences and enclosed in a hand-crafted wooden frame uniquely designed and painted to match YOUR style. The LifeView Family Dashboard can be mounted anywhere and connects wirelessly to make sure your information is always up to date.
The ladies discuss dinner time, cooking, and sit down meals with their families. The ladies discuss using this time to connect with their kids and Ellen shares some awesome conversation starters! Crystal explains what high low horizon is and how she uses it with her family. The girls look back on the last year of podcasting and give their best high, low, and the outlook they have for the future!
To see pictures and find out more about the LifeView Family Dashboard visit them on the web at www.GoLifeView.com
Use code heysmartmommas for 10% off your purchase of the LifeView Family Dashboard.
DNA Masks and More Promo Code - podcast10
Let's connect!
Follow the girls on Instagram -
@mslacilynch @ellenlauletta @cmalber
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
The Hard Truths Series Part 2: Continued
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
The hard truths conversation continues this week as the ladies sit down with Kaia Finney and Myra McGhee to discuss their views and first-hand stories regarding racism. Kaia is a CRNA, originally from Jamaica. She is an accomplished mom and wife. She tells the story of how she left home at 17 for a new life as a collegiate athlete and 4.0 student. She tells of her childhood and what colorism is. Kaia describes an incident where she was told by a patient that they did not want her to care for them because of her skin color. She discusses her role in leadership as a woman of color and holding the position of Chief CRNA.
Myra talks of life post COVID with caring for a new baby and the struggles of finding time for herself and working out. She is a CRNA, originally from Memphis and practiced as an OB nurse, moved to Maryland, and started a career in the ICU that eventually led her to CRNA school. Myra didn’t have plans to attend CRNA school, but as fate would have it and a nudge from a coworker, she has a career she loves! She tells how she has experienced racism at various points throughout her nursing career and how she is the only African American CRNA at her current place of employment.
Kaia and Myra discuss their childhood, racism, and its impact on their lives today and when raising their children. This is truly an episode you do not want to miss. Our eyes continue to open up to the reality that many, like these ladies, face every day.
Mentioned in this episode:
Kaia Finney- IG: @k_ayoola_
DNA Masks and More - https://www.dnamasksandmore.com/
Follow the Ladies here, and don't miss out!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas
@mslacilynch @ellenlauletta @cmalber
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
COVID Crazy Communists
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Have you ever read a post on Facebook and just thought, what the what? Let me read that again. The ladies discuss their organically grown Facebook group that has reached 7K members! Laci tells us how her attempt at a group member's anonymous post didn't delete and how her husband started getting phone calls questioning "infidelity." They were bound to have some crazy stories to share about their group with all of those people. Don't miss the latest crazy; you can't make this stuff up, bizarre story.
Crystal gives an update on her breast cancer treatment and starting chemo. She tells about how she just took the leap and shaved her head, how she has been having fun picking out wigs, and how her sweet daughter is supporting her mom.
Ellen is moving! She talks about her experience with building a home and the control she has given up in the process. Laci gives us an update on her baby girl! She also opens up about the recent death of a family member and reflects on the importance of insignificant moments in life that really stick with you!
Big GIVEAWAYS coming soon! Be sure to follow on IG for updates.
Stick around for the end of the episode to get a coupon code for DNA Masks and More - https://www.dnamasksandmore.com/
Follow the Ladies here, and don't miss out!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas
IG - @mslacilynch @ellenlauletta @cmalber
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!

Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
You Can Do Hard Things
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
You are not going to want to miss this episode. The ladies have so much to share with all of you! Crystal opens up the episode with some news that is weighing heavy on her heart. News that no one wants to get...ever. She takes us on an emotional rollercoaster from tears to laughter. Crystal has also been working on a new business and shares all about it.
Are you for botox and fillers? The ladies are divided on this topic. Listen to the hilarious stories of their experiences and telling about botox gone wrong!
The ladies have been busy. Ellen sold her home, Laci has spent the summer with a new baby and lots of camping trips, and Crystal is here to tell us to take it one day at a time. Stick around after the episode for a blooper that was so funny the ladies had to hit record again so you all could listen.
We want to hear from you. Next time you are listening, take a screenshot of the episode, share it in your intsa stories, and tag us @heysmartmommas. We might just share your share and feature you in our insta stories too!
Let's connect!
Follow the girls on Instagram -
@mslacilynch @ellenlauletta @cmalber
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Give Yourself Some Grace
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Tuesday Aug 25, 2020
Smart Mama, this episode is for you! Ellen and Laci dive deep into the issues of being a mom today. Laci discusses the recent birth of her daughter and the unique way she decided on her name. You are going to want to try this out when deciding the name of your next baby! Laci also opens up about her birth experience, losing 2 liters of blood, and calling in her own case to the OR.
Is going from 1 to 2 kids worse or easier than 2 to 3? The ladies weigh in on their experiences and give us some great tips. Laci is still trying to find her routine with a newborn, while Ellen is adjusting to life back at work.
We are all hard on ourselves and often fall into the comparison trap of who has it all together as moms. Don't listen to it! Go with the season and stage you are in with your family, and you will get through. Give yourself some grace, mama!
Send us your messages or post in the FB group. We want to hear from you! Do you have a routine with your littles that works? Do you despise the thought of going back to work after maternity leave, especially during COVID?
Mentioned in this episode:
Follow the girls on Instagram -
@mslacilynch @ellenlauletta @cmalber
Social Security Popular Baby Names - https://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Connect with us!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Who Cheated?
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
In this episode, the ladies compare their lives now to what it was like before having kids. Laci realized her life changed when the waterproof mascara residue that resembles dark circles, one day, wouldn't come off. Those dark circles were there to stay. All too often we put our children first and forget to take care of ourselves. Before we know it we no longer think about our wants or needs. Motherhood can come at as full speed and we have no choice but to hang on for the ride! Crystal shares her pregnancy and postpartum story that left her feeling like a "bag of trash." Following two surgeries and months of physical therapy, her story shifts into something wonderful and she ends up thankful for the experience.
This episode is full of inspiring insight and funny stories. Don't miss Ellen telling us all about her naked litter box children and the chance encounter with the neighbor!
By the way, are you all for joint social media accounts with a spouse? Does that ever leave you wondering who has the major control issue? Tell us what you think, we'd love to hear from you!
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Connect with us!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Parenting Specialist
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
This episode, the ladies get to pick the mind of an actual parenting specialist! That is right. There is someone that is good at this parenting thing, and her name is Rachel Bailey.
Rachel has helped hundreds of parents bring out the best in their children for over a decade. In addition to her Master’s degree in clinical psychology, she has been an in-home ADHD coach and mentor, therapist, and teacher of positive parenting techniques. Rachel’s goal is to improve family dynamics, and she shows us how.
As a mom herself, she knows the struggle of trying to get your kids to do what they are supposed to even when they don’t want to. She teaches us how to handle these challenges and shares the secret to feeling confident and in control as a parent. This is accomplished by utilizing practical tools to help with kids' behavior as well as tools to help keep us as parents in a good place so we can implement these strategies.
We learned such helpful ways to get through this whole COVID world we are living in without losing our ever-loving shit!
Get ready to learn how to shift your expectations and SIMPLIFY parenting!
For more great info check out Rachel’s podcast – The Parenting Long Game
Follow her on Facebook and Instagram @RachelBaileyParenting or head to her website www.Rachel-Bailey.com
Follow the ladies of this podcast @heysmartmommas on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and tell us what you think of this episode.