
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Light at the End of the Tunnel | Two SRNA Moms Have Success in CRNA School
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Are you interested in going to nurse anesthesia school (CRNA) or currently a student registered nurse anesthetist (SRNA) with children and wondering how you will ever juggle it all? Well, this episode is for you! Morgan Fitterer and Cynthia Shen are two SRNA moms spilling all of the secrets and discussing common struggles SRNAs face while in school. They sit down and discuss mom guilt, finding balance, the motivation to pursue this profession, handling tough rotations, and more!
Both Cynthia and Morgan became pregnant before being accepted to CRNA school. Despite their fears, this didn’t hold them back from pursuing their dream. The ladies contribute a lot of their success to the support of their husbands and family during this time. They are both set to graduate this spring!
The ladies discuss having mom guilt. How leaving their child at daycare to study was oftentimes a struggle for them. Whether it was focusing on relationships, money, parenting, school work, or time for themselves, focusing on everything causes nothing to be done well.
19:40 How did you find balance?
Morgan knows this time in her life is temporary and breaks this large goal up week by week. She spent time figuring out how to achieve these large goals. One of the biggest things was working on time management and overcoming mom guilt.
Cynthia had a wake-up call at the beginning of the program. She started by modifying her study habits. She recognized she was an auditory learner, and she made sure she used her time wisely. She was always looking for smaller chunks of time to maximize her study time. Having clear communication with her spouse was another major factor in her success. They spent 30 minutes together on Sundays planning the week out.
27:40 What made you interested in CRNA school?
Morgan found that she was most happy when she was being challenged, and CRNA school did this for her. One step pushed her to master the next, and having a mentor that encouraged her helped Morgan feel motivated. She had a fire inside her that pushed her to learn and grow. She was drawn to the autonomy that being a CRNA provided.
Cynthia's interest was originally in neuroscience. She was searching for something that overlapped her interest in neuroscience and nursing. Her desire to become a CRNA was solidified when she shadowed a CRNA and got to see her mentor put a “patient’s brain to sleep.” She was sold and has loved how her two interests have messed together to fuel a lifelong passion.
32:00 How did you handle your pediatric rotation as a mom?
Cynthia says that her peds rotation was a struggle for her as a mom. She remembers crying on her way home from these cases as she thought about the mom in the hospital with her ill child as she gets to go home and be with hers. She became so appreciative of her healthy child. She salutes those moms who struggle with their sick kids.
Morgan put things into a different perspective after having her own child. She never wanted to make a promise to a parent that she couldn’t keep. She has been vocal with her preceptors about what she is and is not comfortable with.
39:00 What advice would you give to the parent or soon-to-be parent thinking about going to CRNA school?
Morgan states that “it's not about how smart you are, it's about how much dedication you put in. It takes time, dedication, and grace.” She encourages those interested in CRNA school to take one thing at a time, and anyone who has the motivation to continue can do this.
Cynthia feels that timing is never quite right. She never felt 100% ready to go. She encourages those on the fence to just do it. What is the worst that could happen? There is no downside to trying.
Cynthia Shen:
Hello! My name is Cynthia Shen; I’m currently an SRNA scheduled to graduate in May and am a mom to a 3-year-old and happily married to my husband. We are from Dallas, TX. I have a background in neuroscience and nursing and am very excited to join the anesthesia profession! Hobbies include traveling, reading for fun, and spending quality time with my family. You can connect with her here: Facebook: Cynthia Shen (Nguyen)
Instagram: Furtail14005
Morgan Fitterer:
Morgan is a 3rd-year SRNA, momma to a 3-year-old girl (Lennon), and wife of 7 years. You can connect with her here: @morgfittererererrrrrrr (Instagram) and https://www.facebook.com/morgan.e.mcintire
If you loved this episode, found value, or just loved hanging out with us, please head over to Apple Podcasts and leave us a review!
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Follow the girls on Instagram -
@mslacilea @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Campers and Dumpster Fires
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Laci and Ellen sit down together to discuss the latest updates in their lives and Rachel Hollis’ three-part social media disaster. You are going to hear about what went wrong with Rachel’s posts and if there is an impact on society as a result of this.
Laci opens up the show talking to us about her experience buying a camper. She decided she needed a camper when the campground only offered a ten-foot bottomless pit of wonder for her kids to use for a toilet. She found herself not being able to pull the trigger on buying it, pondered the thought for a while, bought it, and then cried all the way home because she just spent a crap ton of money on said camper! Although a truly funny story, Laci and Ellen discuss the money mindset that many moms can relate to. Laci tells us about her childhood and how that has affected her identity related to money.
Ellen discusses building a house and the stress related to it. Her baby flipped from head down and she blames the house stress. Would you stay with your in-laws with a newborn baby? Well, Ellen might have to… tune in to hear if her house will be done in time or not!
Did Rachel Hollis’ true colors come out in her latest social media disaster? Laci and Ellen discuss how Rachel is totally disconnected from reality when comparing herself with the likes of Oprah and Ruth Ginsburg. Ellen and Laci discuss how the publicity surrounding Rachel’s actions is creating publicity for her at this moment. Ellen reminds us that Rachel built her brand by empowering, inspiring, and being relatable and then wham, smacks us in the face when she cuts down the people that got her there and bought into her “relatable” brand. Laci struggles with the fact that Rachel doesn’t feel she is relatable. Rachel has now walked back her stance on serving the 1.7 million people in a positive and relatable way. What do you think and is there anyone out there that feels Rachel has a leg to stand on?
So, the ladies want to know: do you think Laci is crazy for not wanting to spend money? Are you building a house right now? What do you feel about Rachel Hollis’ recent mess up and do you still follow her? Are you part of the loyal 1.7 million?
Let's connect!
Follow the girls on Instagram -
@mslacilea @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Reimagining Grief with Lisa Keefauver, MSW
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Lisa Keefauver joins the podcast this week sharing her experience with grief, both professional and personal. Lisa is a clinical social worker, owner of Reimagining Grief, and the host of the podcast, Grief is a Sneaky Bitch.” She takes her multiple years of grief experience to bring help to others and to change the grief culture in the US.
Lisa describes our struggles with grief as a culture. She states that control is an illusion because ultimately, we don’t know what will happen. COVID is a perfect example of this and has left many people feeling a loss of control. Lisa explains that we build our identities on the stories we tell of our past and future. A death, pandemic, etc. forces us to navigate without a script. It is disorienting and disrupting when the story we count on is no longer there for us.
Lisa describes her terminally ill husband dying in her arms. A close friend passing away and her own personal health scare. These experiences have pushed and inspired her to do this work. Lisa tells of her 7-year-old daughter keeping her grounded through it all.
Lisa wants to help change the culture surrounding grief and the grieving process in the US. She explains the difficulties with the workforce and how there is only three days for bereavement leave following the death of a loved one. She explains the grief is not over in that short amount of time. The type of person we are expected to grieve over is also misunderstood by most employers. Lisa explains that our communities and loved ones have changed over time and may not be limited to our immediate family. Lisa is on a mission to expand grief culture in the workforce.
Lisa reminds us that we cannot isolate the griever. We may think that grief is only an emotional state. Sometimes grief can be a relief. There is a spectrum of emotions related to grief and we need to expand on the emotions of grief. Grief can represent all emotions and it’s a normal response to loss. We live in a culture that says grief gets in the way of our productivity. Grief triggers a stress response in our bodies because our story gets disrupted. Our stress response is on high alert and it is a physical manifestation attacking our emotional state, cognitive state, financial, etc.
Lisa recommends a layers approach to grieving. Think about what has worked for you in the past and what you already know about yourself. Ditch every expectation you have of yourself and accept help. Don’t feel like you should be able to do something and let others help. It is not our job to fix anyone in grief. Others may be in the fix-it mode and the griever doesn’t need someone to fix them and tell them what they should do. Also, minimize your expectations of what your capacities are. Don’t feel the need to rush through grief. At some point, you will have to face it. Sleep, nutrition, and truly caring for yourself are imperative.
As healthcare workers, we want to fix it. We want to fix it as moms. Reframe this thinking by actually offering empathy. Sitting in silence with the griever is impactful. Instead of offering “if you ever need anything”, just do it! Crystal points out that the person going through a hard time is not going to reach out to you and that instead just doing it will be more helpful. You may be met with a no or pushback, but offering action vs lip service will have a lasting impact.
"Show up, shut up, and keep showing up."
About Lisa Keefauver:
This social worker turned thought leader is using the power of narrative to create a Grief-Smart Culture. Lisa Keefauver’s wisdom as a grief and empathy thought leader runs deep and wide, rooted in her personal and professional experiences over the past 20+ years.
Lisa has spent the past two decades as a clinical social worker, narrative therapist, and leader in various communities impacting diverse populations. She witnessed first-hand the unnecessary suffering of so many individuals because their families, communities, workplaces, and culture weren’t supporting them in their grief and suffering.
Compassion and empathy are gained when we face our own pain, and in the midst of her career, Lisa found herself in need of the very services she was providing. In 2011 at age 40, Lisa became a widow when her husband Eric died in her arms after a long year of misdiagnosis and medical maltreatment. This left her a single mother to their 7 year-old daughter.
Lisa’s expansive experiences, resilience, and storytelling skills allow audiences to connect, learn and be inspired. Called the “Brene Brown of Grief and Loss,” (Tracey Wallace, Eterneva), Lisa uses her warmth, vulnerability, humor and therapeutic skills to help us find language when we’re at a loss for words. Lisa is the Founder & CEO of Reimagining Grief and host of the podcast, Grief is a Sneaky Bitch.
Links to socials (i.e., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/reimagininggrief/?hl=en
Website - Reimagining Grief
Podcast - Grief is a Sneaky Bitch

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Life Doesn't Follow a Plan with Alex Pudwill, CRNA
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
The ladies of the Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups podcast are joined by fellow CRNA mom, Alex Pudwill as she shares her son’s journey with congenital Cytomegalovirus (CMV). Her son Sam was suspected to have been exposed to CMV in the third trimester of pregnancy. Alex explains the signs and symptoms of CMV at birth and how she and Sam’s medical providers came to realize he had congenital CMV. Alex shares her struggles with mom guilt and how their family focuses on Sam’s milestones to keep them going. Alex is here to spread awareness about congenital CMV and help prevent this from occurring.
There are two groups of people that are most at risk for contracting CMV, immunocompromised individuals and unborn babies. Alex and Sam’s medical providers did not have any reason to suspect Sam had CMV in utero. He was growing fine and there was not a cause for concern during prenatal exams. She was shocked when she first saw him and he was covered in petechiae and had a blueberry muffin rash. Sam was sent to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) where he was cared for in the coming days.
Alex shares the struggles ahead for Sam and what it is like to have a child with CMV. From making the decision to have Sam receive cochlear implants to a brain bleed that will cause long-term issues and how she and her family overcame these obstacles.
Laci asks if there is any treatment for moms in the event that they are found to be positive for CMV while pregnant. Alex explains that there are antivirals available, but the treatments are experimental at this time. Ellen discusses the concerns from a perspective of being pregnant and not knowing what she could come in contact with and if that would have an effect on her baby. For many parents, this is currently a COVID concern. What effects does this have on the baby?
Alex gives tips on how moms can help decrease their chances of getting CMV while pregnant and shares some statistics with our listeners.
“91% of women are unaware of congenital CMV. 1:200 children are born with CMV each year and 1:10 of those are born with a disability.”
Alex wants to get the message out about congenital CMV and what we can do as moms and healthcare professionals to prevent this virus from spreading. Please share this episode with a friend who could benefit from this information!
Alex Pudwill is a CRNA mom from Sioux Falls, SD. Her son, Sam, was born with congenital CMV. Ever since then, she has been trying to educate as many moms and soon-to-be moms as possible to prevent this very preventable disease. You can follow Alex Pudwill @aapudwill on Instagram and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/alex.hughes.1238
Let's connect!
Follow the girls on Instagram -
@mslacilea @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Sandra Etherington brings Myers Briggs personality types to families in fun and unique ways. She used it in her own parenting and now helps others use it in their homes. Sandra started helping others for FREE. She discovered Myers Briggs when she was working in the corporate world and not loving her career. She started educating herself, helped others for free, and now runs a successful business helping families understand how to best work together utilizing Myers Briggs. Sandra gives an in-depth breakdown of each Myers-Briggs personality category, explaining what each letter means. You don’t want to miss this, it's solid gold!
How can we use these results to better understand our families? Do you have a child who resists the bedtime routine? Children who despise repetition? These questions and more are answered in this episode.
The ladies asked how we can discipline when we know a child’s type? Sandra explains that compassion and understanding are key. Know what fills their bucket and take the time each day to address that. Also, know that one child will need more direction and step-by-step instruction vs another child. Sandra gives a great example of a sensing child and an intuition child and how to work with them to complete a task.
Sandra explains how Myers Briggs can often have a misconception surrounding it based on the idea that this is just another online test. She explains how Myers Briggs is backed by science and is a topic that is studied within the neuroscience field. Another common misconception is that the test results themselves can change. Sandra explains that your type never changes and that perhaps the questions were answered differently. How do you type outside the questionnaire? Sandra walks her clients through the types one by one; this combined with pulling from common behaviors of the person plus conversation helps Sandra to pinpoint the person's specific type.
Do you think knowing this information about ourselves and others can benefit how we interact? Perhaps you are one that jumps to judging others too quickly. Tune in to learn how we can interact better, grow and nurture existing relationships and work better with others we may not see eye to eye with.
About Sandra:
Sandra is a mom of a 5 year old and an 8 year old. She is the owner of Family Personalities and the co-host of the Family Personalities podcast, a fun, and sometimes cheesy podcast, that uses personality type to help change the way you see your family. Sandra uses her experience and training in Myers-Briggs personality type, to work one on one with families, helping them parent more effectively and compassionately based on their children's unique wiring and needs.
Head over to https://familypersonalities.com/ and snag some free resources Sandra has for you!
You can also catch her on social media:
Let's connect!
Follow the girls on Instagram -
@mslacilea @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Reigniting the Fire in Marriage with Leona Carter
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Leona Carter joins the smart mommas this week on the podcast to talk about reigniting your marriage through dating your husband! She discusses her coaching program designed to empower women to build intimacy with their husband through dating. She discusses the top 5 reasons women struggle with intimacy and proven steps to overcome these. You won’t think of date night the same way ever again!
Leona cites emotional disconnection as a common problem for couples. We lost the flow of dating, we are busy, and that connection is lost. In this episode, Leona teaches us how to ignite that emotional connection again. These are actionable steps you can take today!
Oh, and the ladies discuss the new popular Netflix drama, Bridgerton. Don’t miss it!
In this episode you will learn:
• Creating a transition period to switch from mom to wife
• Setting expectations with your husband around intimacy
• Why your child’s bedtime is important to your marriage
• Out of the box date night ideas to get the spark going and keeping it alive
• 5 common types of intimacy
• Red flags that the emotional-physical connection is breaking down and how to remedy
About Leona Carter:
Leona Carter is a global champion and passionate about empowering women to build intimacy with their husband through the power of 28 Dates. Leona is an International Empowerment Speaker, Best-selling Author, and Talk Show Host. As the President and CEO of Carter Strategies, Leona also trains new and emerging speakers to book speaking engagements. Married since 1995, Leona, and her high school sweetheart Omarr, have six beautiful children and one grandson. Leona and her family moved from Seattle Washington to Kalamazoo Michigan for the tuition-based program called The Kalamazoo Promise, where her family was featured in the New York Times. Leona’s energetic personality and vibrancy sets her apart from the normalcy of entrepreneurship. She blazes a trail everywhere she goes through her passion of serving.
Leona helps women reimagine and facilitate how they can date their spouse again. She does this through her 28 dates intimacy coaching program. This program is essential if there are barriers in your marriage, but can also be used proactively BEFORE an issue arises. To learn more about Leona, what she has to offer, and her 28-day program, check her out at leonacarter.club.
Let's connect!
Follow the girls on Instagram -
@mslacilynch @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Hope Wins with Caitlyn OBrock
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Caitlyn O’Brock is interviewed this week, sharing her heartwarming story and journey from ICU nurse to Godmother. Following Caitlyn’s appearance on the Kelly Clarkson Show, she sits down with the Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups Podcast ladies to tell all.
Caitlyn cared for a patient in the ICU named Monique Jones, who was 26 weeks pregnant and struggling with COVID. Monique delivered baby Zamyrah via emergency c-section when the decision was made that both mom and babies’ lives were at risk. Caitlyn knew that if the pair survived, she would throw Monique the biggest baby shower ever! Caitlyn raised the baby shower money, taking donations from friends, family, and coworkers.
Caitlyn talks about life after this story going viral. She admits, “it's been a lot.” She has had several media outlets reaching out to her for an interview, Anderson Cooper, CBS News, and the Kelly Clarkson Show, to name a few. The one thing Caitlyn struggles with the most is understanding why she should have the spotlight when there are so many amazing nurses out there that do what she does. Caitlyn discusses the attention she has received and how she is processing this. Also, don’t miss her telling us what Kelly Clarkson gifted her!
We want to take a moment and recognize all of the amazing nurses out there! As Laci mentions in this episode, 2020 showed us what nurses are all about.
"Remember when everyone thought that nurses were timid and submissive doctor's helpers and then a pandemic came and the world finally realized a nurse is like the Swiss army knife of healthcare providers and will find ten million ways to save your life. May we never underestimate the value of a damn good nurse."
Click the links below to read the stories featured on the show:
The Kelly Clarkson Show
CBS News
Anderson Cooper
You can find Caitlyn Obrock @caitlynobrock on FB and IG.
Let's connect!
Follow the girls on Instagram -
@mslacilynch @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
This week Crystal will receive her last chemo treatment!
Do you find yourself taking on the motherload and feel as if you’re drowning in the daily to-dos? This week, Laci, Ellen, and Crystal break down the issues surrounding the never-ending to-do list we have as mothers, partners, full-time employees, homemakers, basically all the things!
Does this sound like you? You’re drowning in your day to day life, taking on the “stuff” your partner will never do. You feel like you’re spinning a hundred plates over your head, all at the same time, and you cannot take a break, or they will fall. Maybe you find yourself setting out to make those cookies, but along the way, you find a million other things that need to be done and never getting back to what you intended.
Ellen explains how mothers struggle with being present all of the time. We naturally want to do everything for everyone, and we miss out on our own life. Laci feels hindsight is 20/20 when it comes to being present. We stress ourselves out when we want to put things off to be present without families, but we need the chores done to keep the household running. It’s a vicious cycle that only moms could understand. It’s an intertwined feeling of guilt and responsibility.
How do you divide up the household’s responsibilities between you and your partner?
Does your partner love to do random projects on the weekend to get out of the household chores? Do they escape to the bathroom for 4 hours on Saturday morning?
Actionable steps to reduce the motherload:
• Lists – brain dump and have a conversation with your partner. Create a plan to have fun once it’s completed. Who doesn’t love checking off a to-do list?
• Help! – don’t be afraid to ask for help. We want our partners to know what we need, but they may not be mind readers!
• Plan ahead – make time to discuss the week with your partner, set goals, and have a plan.
We are working on upcoming show ideas, and we want to hear from you! Please reach out to us with your ideas!
Let's connect!
Follow the girls on Instagram -
@mslacilynch @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
So Long 2020 | Make a New Year's Resolution that Sticks
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Laci and Crystal open up this episode discussing the year's events, and Laci explores being what life will be like going back to "normal" after COVID.
The ladies have us questioning how the pandemic has affected our habits and if it will ever go back to normal. Crystal wants her daughter to remember the family time they have been able to share during COVID. Laci wants her son to know and recognize the historical event surrounding the COVID vaccine.
Do you make resolutions every year? Crystal talks about how she wanted to be more intentional with working out and fasting in 2020. She reached her goal and reflects on doing so before learning she had breast cancer. She reminds us that we really can change our lives if we are intentional about it.
Crystal shares the steps she took to create a resolution for 2020 and how this became a habit ensuring she hit her goals and kept her resolution. Listen in as she gives her advice and inspires us to do the same in 2021!
"If it is to be, it is up to me" -Unknown. Laci doesn't set a resolution, but she builds a new year mindset based around a word. Listen to her explain how she does this and the word she chose for 2021!
Crystal explains why she chose her word and how she believes life's struggles make us all stronger in the end. She reflects on how all of the shit she has been through has left her feeling like a different person, and in a good way!
Laci and Crystal close out this episode discussing gratitude and growing from what life throws at us. If you are feeling down, unsure what to create for yourself and your family in 2021, or looking for some inspiration to get motivated, you MUST listen to this episode.
We are working on upcoming show ideas, and we want to hear from you! Please reach out to us with your ideas!
Let's connect!
Follow the girls on Instagram -
@mslacilynch @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
The Social Dilemma
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Ellen and Laci are on the podcast this week discussing the Social Dilemma documentary on Netflix, pregnancy during COVID, and prepping for Christmas. The ladies missed Crystal this week and are sending her some love!
Does pregnancy have you feeling in the dumps? Laci and Ellen talk about their experiences working in healthcare and being pregnant during this pandemic.
Those of us in healthcare sometimes wonder what it would be like to work at a desk, have the freedom to drink water at that desk, and get up to pee when we wish. Is the grass greener on the other side?
Laci shares a major takeaway from the documentary, Social Dilemma. She tells about the issue with you being the product within Facebook’s business. Laci talks about SEO and “silos of thoughts.” The answer to questions you may Google is dependent on each individual person. She talks about how this was a hard concept to get and how others may have the same conflict. Watching this documentary has been eye-opening, and the ladies want to know what you think about it. Send any questions or comments to the links below!
Laci talks about how she hasn’t made any major changes to her social media use after watching this documentary. She realizes that there is an entirely different world inside her phone. Ellen discusses how the Facebook algorithm can work for you, especially if you have a business and marketing on Facebook!
Are you ready for Christmas? Laci has the presents wrapped and ready! She may be late on other things, like ordering her 7-month old’s newborn photos, but hey, it’s 2020. On the other hand, Ellen doesn’t have anything wrapped yet, and Laci reminds her of when Christmas is.
Gift giving is not these ladies' love language! Do you stress during this time of year too?
How do you feel about getting a new car from your partner for Christmas? Listen to the ladies talk about this and so much more. The ladies will have you thinking, laughing out loud, and remembering we are in this parenting boat together!
We are working on upcoming show ideas, and we want to hear from you! Please reach out to us with your ideas!
Let's connect!
Follow the girls on Instagram -
@mslacilynch @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas