
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Jenna Hua is the founder and CEO of Million Maker. A company dedicated to educating about and reducing, if not eliminating harmful toxins from our lives. Jenna is on the show today with Laci and Ellen to discuss the uses of toxins and plastics in our lives and healthcare and how it affects us, especially those trying to conceive. She is also giving us tools and resources that we can use today to reduce our toxin exposure. This is such an important topic because we all know someone with autism, ADHD, infertility, testicular cancer, breast cancer, and/or diabetes. All of these conditions have been linked to environmental toxins. This episode is packed with so much valuable information!
Jenna started in healthcare as a dietician. She grew frustrated that no one would listen to her about how these toxins we are exposed to every day affect us. She states that toxin exposure results in 70% of chronic disease risk vs 30% by genetics alone. Unfortunately, the healthcare and research world does not have a test to determine which environmental toxins could be impacting an individual’s health. Jenna suffered miscarriages, and her frustrations with not knowing how to deal with and fix any issues she had led her to found her company Million Maker that strives to help others with just that. Environmental toxins and endocrine disruptors are significant issues that must be discussed for the sake of our health, and Jenna is here today to get the word out!
Main products and chemicals discussed in this episode that are known hormone disruptors:
- Top endocrine disrupters that impact fertility and what you can do about it.
- BPA: mimics estrogen, where your body will recognize and treat it as if it were estrogen. Plastic is the major culprit of BPA. Also, BPA-free does not mean it’s safe. Often manufacturers create a slight structure change, like BPF, and it is approved for sale. Avoid plastics and receipts altogether. BPA is known to cause infertility, child development issues, and decreases in-vitro fertilization (IVF) success.
- Phalates: a chemical that blocks testosterone. Mainly effects males. Decreases male sperm count and quality.
- Paraben: a preservative in beauty care products. It can be found in packaged foods and is not labeled as such.
- Oxybenzone is in sunscreen and can also be in food.
- Heavy metal- wash and soak your rice. Fish can be high in mercury and is greater in fatty fish.
- Baby rice and cereal.
- PFAS (Teflon)- a “forever chemical.” Not just in cookware but also in any weatherproofing materials and products. Green Policy Institute lists safe outdoor gear.
- Household and personal care items: shampoo, conditioner, detergent, and perfumes are the top disruptors.
- Water: a reverse osmosis system is best at filtering out toxins. Look for the NSF symbol. Please refer to Jenna’s site - www.millionmaker.com for a list of approved water filters.
Jenna’s product is a mail-in urine test. That’s it! Just fill out an exposure survey and mail that in with your urine sample, and in two weeks, you will get a personalized toxin report. Her company looks at every product you use, combines it with your urine sample of toxins to give you recommendations for a change you can make immediately.
Other resources to use to avoid toxins:
Midori Earth chrome extension.
Jenna has a list of curated products on her site (Million Maker) to help you get started.
About Jenna Hua: An environmental health scientist and dietitian by training, Jenna is passionate about the environment, public health, and everything food. Frustrated by the lack of data for how harmful chemicals (like BPA, phthalates, and parabens) from plastics and everyday products affect our health and clinical outcomes, and the absence of a personalized approach to mitigate harmful chemical exposures, Jenna set out on a mission to change these.
She founded Million Marker, a health-tech startup dedicated to empower everyone with the data and tools to determine how the products they use, the food they eat, the water they drink negatively or positively influence their health. Million Marker helps people understand what chemicals are inside of them—and then provides simple solutions for quickly reducing harmful chemicals through mail-in test kits, lifestyle audits, product recommendations, and counseling.
Dr. Hua is a US Fulbright Fellow and completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship with Stanford University’s School of Medicine.
Follow Jenna:
Follow the hosts on Instagram -
@mslacilea @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas
If you loved this episode, found value, or just loved hanging out with us, please head over to Apple Podcasts and leave us a review!

Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Loving the Last Kid in Line with Tina Kloepping
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Laci and Ellen welcome Tina Kloepping to the show this week to discuss mental health needs in young children. A topic she knows all too well as her daughter attempted suicide at 8 years old. We are very passionate about this topic, and we want to reach as many parents as possible. The information in this episode is relevant and actionable to identify, seek help and provide ongoing support to children with mental health needs.
Tina is a nurse anesthetist and previously held positions as an ICU nurse and paramedic. She lives in Minnesota with her husband and three daughters, two of which are twins. Tina shares her family’s story about mental health needs, care, and ongoing management of her daughters. She wants to get the message out about awareness and help normalize the discussion to save and support children and families in need.
Tina shares her story about her then 7 year old being anxious and how she was referred to a therapist at the pediatric office. She explains their struggles navigating care when the office discontinued seeing her daughter after her suicide attempt.
In this episode, you will hear:
- The struggles of navigating mental health care for a young child
- What is suicidal ideation, and can a child fully comprehend what it means to end life?
- What do you do if your child said they wish they weren’t alive anymore?
- What do you do if your child has a plan for ending their life?
- How can parents connect with siblings and address their needs too?
- How a culmination of events lead to Tina’s daughter attempting suicide
- Questions for the practitioner in an inpatient setting
- Tina’s resources, coping strategies for children, and the use of open-ended questions when speaking to your child
About Tina: I am a CRNA mom who has navigated mental health issues, including suicide attempts with my young girls. I want to talk about mental health and how to advocate for your kid’s wellbeing in a system that wants to ignore mental health needs.
Connect with Tina on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tina.kloepping
Tina’s Resources:
Mayo Clinic video on asking the hard questions - https://youtu.be/3BByqa7bhto
National and Local Hotlines/Resources:
Local to MN - https://www.horizonhomes.org/south-central-mobile-crisis-team/
Dr. Ross Greene:
The Explosive Child
Lost at School
Lost and Found
Raising Human Beings
Follow the hosts on Instagram -
@mslacilea @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas
If you loved this episode, found value, or just loved hanging out with us, please head over to Apple Podcasts and leave us a review!

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
A Year In the Life With Crystal Alber
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
One year since Crystal started cancer treatment, she sits down with Laci and brings us up to date on what she has been experiencing and what’s to come. She has been undergoing radiation treatment and walks us through what it’s like. Unfortunately, during her treatment, she developed a complication related to the radiation that sent her to surgery again.
Crystal tells about what the future brings as far as cancer treatment. She feels getting cancer has changed her. Despite the hardships cancer has put on her and her family, she tells about how she is grateful and sees the world differently now. Crystal hates to see her family affected, and this has definitely been the lowest part of her journey. However, she plans to continue her effort in helping other women navigate their breast cancer diagnoses!
Crystal was recently featured in Entrepreneurs Herald and had her story featured in the July issue, “Top 21 Inspiring Women to Look Out for in 2021.” She had the chance to tell her story about starting her aesthetics business and how she got her cancer diagnosis just three weeks later. Crystal has grown a successful business while juggling everything. She tells about how owning a business has kept her both focused and distracted while staying positive.
Laci talks about getting the kids ready to go back to school, going school shopping, and visiting the state parks in Minnesota. They plan on visiting all 75! Laci fills us in on what it’s like to go camping with a baby and no bathroom.
The previous episode with the Dr. Nurse Podcast mentioned during this episode: The Nursing Journey
Follow the hosts on Instagram -
@mslacilea @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas
If you loved this episode, found value, or just loved hanging out with us, please head over to Apple Podcasts and leave us a review!

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Get Busy Living
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Beth Wilmes was 35 years old with a successful career and in the midst of motherhood when she discovered a lump in her breast. She requested a mammogram and biopsy and found out she indeed had breast cancer. Beth shares her incredible story with Crystal, Ellen, and Laci on this week’s episode of the Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups podcast. Listen as Beth tells about her journey and the inspiration behind the nonprofit she created called Faith Through Fire. A nonprofit organization devoted to mentoring women in their breast cancer journey.
Topics Discussed:
- When you are told you have breast cancer. Crystal (diagnosed with breast cancer one year ago) and Beth discussed their experiences when they were told they had breast cancer for the first time.
- Do you discuss your diagnosis with your kids or not? Beth chose not to tell her kids and Crystal did. Listen to their points of view and why they chose to tell or not to tell.
- Beth and her friend Sarah started a podcast called Besties with Breasties to help support other women facing a breast cancer diagnosis.
- Faith Through Fire - A mentorship program for the newly diagnosed to survivorship.
- Build A Bear Workshop - Providing a tangible thing to help children get through the really tough times.
- Navigating a cancer diagnosis with nurses and doctors and how nurses play a vital role in giving patients a plan for support.
- How to get involved to help those diagnosed with breast cancer.
- Seeing life differently as a cancer survivor.
Learn more about Beth’s organization, Faith Through Fire at www.faiththroughfire.org. Here you can learn more, get involved, and have a source to point others to. You can help keep this mentorship program alive through donations and by purchasing exclusive podcast content through Patreon. Visit the Faith Through Fire website for more information.
Podcast - Besties with Breasties
Website - www.faiththroughfire.org
Beth Wilmes is a nonprofit founder, author, podcaster, and speaker. Her nonprofit for breast cancer patients is called Faith Through Fire (faiththroughfire.org) and its mission is to reduce the fear and anxiety that breast cancer patients feel and replace it with hope and a path toward thriving. She lives in St. Louis with her husband Gary, three children, and her dog Buddy.
Follow the hosts on Instagram -
@mslacilea @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
If you loved this episode, found value, or just loved hanging out with us, please head over to Apple Podcasts and leave us a review!

Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Life After Loss in the Black and Brown Community with Theresa Mitchell
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Theresa Mitchell, a producer, mother, and survivor, is joined by Laci and Ellen this week discussing the black and brown community’s struggles regarding obstetric care in the United States. We want to bring awareness to infertility, infant loss, and miscarriages and that the U.S. has the highest maternal mortality rate globally. Theresa is bringing hope and a clear mind to women in this struggle through her documentary.
When you suffer the loss of a baby, there is no formula or checklist to grieve and heal. Grief is such a unique journey that presents itself differently in each individual. Life After Loss can be a roller coaster of emotions filled with anxiety, anger, sadness, and frustration.
Life After Loss is a documentary to bring light and truth to the struggles faced by black and brown women as they quietly struggle through miscarriage, infant loss, and infertility. Theresa Mitchell uses her story to create a documentary called Life After Loss. Theresa shares how she suffered three miscarriages and had her rainbow baby. She discusses the struggles, complications, and inadequate care black and brown birthing people face in hospitals and wellness centers all over America and the world.
Stay tuned for the news when Theresa’s documentary is released! We cannot wait for this to come out. Such an important issue that needs more awareness.
Follow Theresa’s journey:
IG- https://www.instagram.com/jheneproductions/
Email address Jheneproductions@gmail.com
FB- https://www.facebook.com/jheneproductions?ltclid=
Twitter- https://twitter.com/JheneProduction?ltclid=
LinkedIn- http://www.linkedin.com/in/jhene-productions?ltclid=
Website- https://jheneproductions.wixsite.com/jheneproductions?ltclid=
Follow the hosts on Instagram -
@mslacilea @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
If you loved this episode, found value, or just loved hanging out with us, please head over to Apple Podcasts and leave us a review!

Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
The Nursing Journey | DNP | Nurse Entrepreneurship with Sandra Pagenta, DNP
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Dr. Sandra Pagenta is a nurse practitioner, urologic proceduralist, and the host of the Doctor Nurse Podcast. Sandra found that her experiences in her professional career are beneficial to other nurses. She knew a platform needed to be developed to help other nurses on their journeys. She has precepted and mentored nurses who asked questions about how she got to where she is now. Sandra continues to inspire and encourage other nurses on her podcast. She wants to provide a platform for other doctor nurses to share their journeys, inspire, and create change!
Key takeaways from this episode:
5:30- What is expected when nurses enter the profession vs. the current climate.
8:00 Scarcity mindset and how to break away from it.
10:00 What a new nurse needs to know.
Are you questioning the steps you’re taking as a nurse? Sandra discusses the struggle nurses have when they are presented with career choices. She teaches us the importance of processing our wishes and intuitions to find areas of nursing that relate more to our personalities.
16:00 Life outside of nursing.
The work-life balance changes as your career changes. Sandra gives tips that nurses could use and any mom who juggles working and being present for their families. Then, Ellen and Laci discuss their nursing journey and how that shifted.
23:20 Becoming a mother and shifting priorities.
Ellen opens up about how her nursing career shifted after having children and how she has redefined herself as a nurse.
25:58 Nursing is versatile.
29:45 Should nurses practice at the doctoral level?
There is a constant fight amongst nurses when it comes to education levels. Ellen, Laci, and Sandra debate this topic and give their perspectives. Laci feels nurses need experience as a bedside nurse, and Sandra feels that there are nurses that do not need the experience to be a good nurse practitioner. Ellen brings up the fact that there are avenues that matter when deciding to practice at the bedside vs advancing immediately. Do you feel that the bedside is the foundation of nursing?
About Dr. Sandra Pagenta
My name is Dr. Sandra Pagenta, DNP and I am a proceduralist nurse practitioner part-time in the field of Urology and the host of the Doctor Nurse Podcast. I have experience in neurosurgery, pre-op, oncology, urology, gastroenterology, ED, and med-surg nursing. I am passionate about nurses understanding their value and worth due to experiences that I went through in my career. I had no idea how valuable nurses are to the healthcare field. I created the podcast as a platform for nurses to share their journeys through their careers and provide advice they would've like to know before they would have started their jobs. The purpose of the podcast is to inspire mentorship and growth. I believe you've got to know what people went through to get where they are today in order to feel like you can make a change yourself. I really hope to inspire nurses to become entrepreneurs, desire more education, and step outside of their comfort zones on the podcast.
Connect with Sandra:
Follow the hosts on Instagram -
@mslacilea @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
If you loved this episode, found value, or just loved hanging out with us, please head over to Apple Podcasts and leave us a review!

Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Finding Your Pelvic Floor with Greta Wyeth
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Greta Wyeth from Still Point Movement joins the Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups on the show this week talking about the pelvic floor and how we can reeducate it. She discusses the fascia and finding the pelvic floor muscles. Greta runs a post-rehab pilates studio and for the past 10 years, she has worked with women on strengthening their pelvic floor. She also educates women on the importance of balance, stability, and movement.
Greta created a course to help women learn how to strengthen their pelvic floor from home. This course focuses on anatomy and physiology, the purpose of the pelvic floor, movement, women’s health advocacy, and tips on navigating the medical system to get needed care.
Greta discusses how to reeducate the pelvic floor after childbirth. She explains that re-educating is NOT restoring and that you will never go back to the pelvic floor you once had, but you can definitely do something about it!
Have you ever wondered what pregnancy, labor, and delivery do to your pelvic floor? Or maybe you are one of the ⅔ of women that experience pelvic floor dysfunction. Greta gives our listeners issues to look out for that may indicate you have a problem.
If you are preparing for childbirth, she teaches us exactly how to strengthen and prepare. Greta talks about muscles you never would have correlated to the pelvic floor.
How soon should someone start working on their pelvic floor? Greta suggests before, during, and after pregnancy. She reminds us to be careful of the pressure we put on the intrabdominal space during the second, third, and fourth trimesters.
What would you suggest for someone who is postpartum who wants to reeducate their pelvic floor? Greta shares that women can do this anytime after childbirth. Starting small and add more difficulty as you get stronger.
Greta answers so many questions for us in the episode including, what vaginal rejuvenation is, what our pelvic floor does for us when we have sex, how to strengthen our core, and so much more!
Where can we start? Greta gives step-by-step guidelines to get you started on improving your pelvic floor. BONUS! She even walks us through an exercise that engages our lower pelvic floor.
Follow Greta at still.movement on Instagram and check out her website and courses at www.stillpointmovement.com
Follow the hosts on Instagram -
@mslacilea @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas
If you loved this episode, found value, or just loved hanging out with us, please head over to Apple Podcasts and leave us a review!

Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Love and Logic Re-Release
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
This episode was packed with so much goodness that we just had to share it again! The summer is upon us and maybe you need some parenting inspiration to tackle those tantrums or establish boundaries.
Chris Peterson, aka The Parenting Professor (http://theparentingprofessor.com), discusses the highly effective Love and Logic parenting technique and blows away the Smart Mommas with some easy to implement strategies! Don’t miss the discussions on how to stop a temper tantrum in its tracks and ending the “how long can we drag out bedtime” game. You’ll be able to implement these strategies as soon as the episode ends!
Uh-Oh Song for Toddlers: Dr. Charles Fay of the Love and Logic Institute shares the Uh-Oh song in this YouTube video. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drh66-WUJCw)
More info on the Uh-Oh song and where you might be going wrong. (https://www.mynewsletterbuilder.com/email/newsletter/1412024797)
If you loved this episode, found value, or just loved hanging out with us, please head over to Apple Podcasts and leave us a review!
Let's connect!
Follow the girls on Instagram -
@mslacilea @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Marriage Counseling Re-Release
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Mandy Hicks, a Licensed Professional Counselor, joins the ladies on this episode to discuss common issues couples face and actionable steps you can take today!
Do you think that putting your marriage first above anything else will benefit in the long term? Well, Mandy provides insight into why this will actually help your relationship and your kids.
Infidelity, married to a narcissist, co-parenting? Mandy Discusses her experiences as a therapist dealing with these issues. How would you deal with infidelity? Mandy tells of how a higher power is often utilized to get through this tough time.
How do you put your marriage first in your everyday life? Mandy urges us all to make it a deliberate practice. Plan your week out together and make time for each other. Ellen shares how she and her husband carve out time every day for one another and how to do that with kids to ensure that one on one attention. Crystal discusses the importance of a regular date night with her husband and modeling a good relationship for their daughter.
Mandy teaches us about issues separated parents face with raising their children in two homes. She gives powerful tips to combat some of the most common problems these parents face.
Do you ever wonder if you are married to a narcissist? Maybe you know someone who is? Well, Mandy breaks it down for us and describes what to look for.
Being new parents can be one of the most stressful times for a couple. You wonder how you are going adjust and if you and your partner will be the same people. Mandy urges us to set expectations and be honest and open. Crystal shares what it was like after having a baby and how the roles and expectations shifted, but this could not have happened without clear communication. Ellen talks about how men are wired differently, and they don’t necessarily see what needs to be done around the home. She tells of her experiences with her husband and how she feels the importance of not coming to the conversation hungry, angry, or tired as it will likely turn into an argument. Mandy reminds us that everyone is different, and in the circumstances like these, we need to give our partners some grace. Communication is key!
The ladies talk about common struggles related to in-laws. Mandy wants couples to have clear boundaries and to make sure they are putting their partners first.
Finally, a discussion on COVID and how to deal with the different views regarding a threat and whether or not to stay home or safely integrate back into society. Mandy provides actionable steps you can take in your marriage today to help ease your home's tensions when dealing with anxiety, either in you or your spouse.
Stick around for the end of the episode for some powerful insights and tips from Mandy that you can take home and use today!
Mentioned in this episode: Mandy Hicks Counseling on FB @mandyhickscounseling
Let's connect!
Follow the girls on Instagram -
@mslacilynch @ellenlauletta @cmalber
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas

Tuesday May 25, 2021
Making Your Period Work for You
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Leisha is coming on the show this week to discuss hormones, cycles, and moods. Low energy does not have to be the norm with moms! As a functional medicine practitioner, she helps moms get back to feeling like themselves again. This episode is packed with so much information to get you back on track with your hormone health. Leisha lays out the foundation to get you started!
Leisha Drews is an RN with a background in critical care. She found her passion in holistic functional health and focuses on finding the root cause of women’s hormone issues. Leisha works with women dealing with abnormal periods, low energy, and mood swings. She has a big heart for moms and wants to help them to feel better and be present with their kids. Leisha is a mom herself and definitely understands their concerns!
Moms in their postpartum years come to Leisha tired and feeling awful. She reminds us that we don’t need to sacrifice everything in our lives to be a good mom. Eating well, self-care and sleep are vital to feeling well. There are a lot of changes in our hormones after having kids. Root causes may not be discussed at your postpartum visit and Leisha wants to help moms get back to feeling like themselves again.
What does a normal monthly cycle look like? Leisha tells us what to expect regarding hormone levels and how we feel during our cycle. Your cycle and your mood are connected and you can plan for when you know you will feel the best and have the most energy. Leisha explains what types of activities would be the best to implement and when based on your hormone cycle.
Where do we start when it comes to repairing our hormones?
Step 1- figure out where you are in your cycle
Step 2- plan for the first week of your cycle, ask yourself what you need before your cycle begins? Maybe you know you’ll feel blah a few days before and plan some self-care.
What can you do when your hormones are out of wack? Leisha explains that we want to get our bodies to a place of feeling safe. When we are stressed and in chaos, our bodies will protect us and hormone dysregulation occurs. First, look at nutrition. Are you eating whole foods? Are you eating consistently and a proper amount? Leisha gives her perspective on fasting. For young moms, she explains how they are putting out a lot of energy and if fasting, they cannot sustain it for a long period of time. This can cause secondary issues along with hormone imbalance.
Actionable self-care tips mentioned in this episode:
1 - Ask yourself what you need today
2 - Reading
3 - Going on a walk with a friend
4 - Sitting outside in the sun
5 - Scheduling monthly nights off to spend with a friend or your spouse
Leisha ends the show urging moms to stop and really think about what they need to feel fulfilled. Schedule in time every week for yourself, get to know yourself, and make yourself a priority!
Leisha Drews is an RN, FDN-P, and women’s health educator with a passion for holistic women’s healthcare. She believes that there is so much more to hormones health than just “getting by” or using band-aid solutions to cover up symptoms and loves to help her clients get to the root cause of their hormone and gut issues so they can have better energy, better periods, and feel like themselves again (even as a mom!) She uses functional lab testing and personalized health education and protocols to support her clients along their health journey and believes that support and accountability are key in truly making progress. When not talking about periods, Leisha can be found hanging out with her two kids outside, trying a new recipe, or planning an adventure.
Connect with Leisha on IG www.instagram.com/abundant.life.wellness
Follow the hosts on Instagram -
@mslacilea @ellenlauletta @stl_injector
Email: scrubcapsandsippycups@gmail.com
Or you can leave us an audio message that could air on a future podcast episode!
Facebook: Scrub Caps and Sippy Cups
Instagram: @heysmartmommas
Twitter: @heysmartmommas
If you loved this episode, found value, or just loved hanging out with us, please head over to Apple Podcasts and leave us a review!